

Blackheads (comedones) develop when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum and mutilate the hair follicles at the same time. The excess sebum can not reach the skin surface through the increasing keratinization through the sebaceous gland ducts. This causes the sebaceous gland to slowly increase. Gradually, a real horn plug, which is composed of horny cells, hair remains and sebum - a blackhead has arisen. Most are in the graft also bacteria, often of the species Propionibacterium acne.

Skin care routine 
The congested sebaceous gland is getting bigger. Sometimes, the wall of the sebaceous gland breaks open and the contents pour into the surrounding tissue, which can result in inflammation with pus formation. It can also happen that bacteria release inflammatory substances, which can also lead to an inflammatory reaction. This can cause painful nodules or pustules. 

Blackheads are often associated with acne and may also indicate an onset of acne. In particular, in the so-called acne comedonica, a mild form of acne, which usually occurs at the beginning of puberty (acne vulgaris), the sufferers mainly suffer from many comedones. There is a reason why adolescents are affected by blackheads and acne: puberty is a phase of life that is associated with severe hormonal changes. For example, the body increasingly produces male sex hormones (androgen). Among other things, they stimulate the production of sebum so that the hair follicles can easily clog and form blackheads. But even with bad or oily skin, blackheads are common. It does not (necessarily) have to be acne. 

Anyone who has discovered a blackhead often has the impulse to remove it as quickly as possible. But beware: Under no circumstances should you press around on a blackhead without preparation - certainly not on an inflamed. If you try to remove a blackhead just like that, the skin usually looks even worse: with a bit of bad luck, the sebum in the blackhead does not reach the outside when pressed, but is squeezed into the skin's surroundings. The organism fights the graft, if it is outside a gland, like a foreign body - unpleasant inflammations can result, which can cause scars or a browning of the skin. You should never remove blackheads improperly! Otherwise, infections can be the result, which can lead to inflammation and scarring. Leave the removal to a professional! Or you can get yourself a blackhead removal tool and remember never use your hands to squeeze any of them!

Remove Blackheads with Lemon Juice and Sugar

Lemon juice is used in a number of skin problems and also helps with blackheads. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with sugar and massage into the affected areas. The lemon juice cleanses the skin and supplies it at the same time with moisture and nutrients, the sugar provides an exfoliating effect. This is how blackheads can be effectively removed and the appearance of the skin improves noticeably.

Remove blackheads with tea tree oil 
Tea tree oil has an antibacterial, cleansing and soothing effect on the skin. Pimples and blackheads dry out reliably. However, since some people are allergic to tea tree oil, it should be applied to the sample only at certain points on the skin. If the oil is tolerated, it can be applied to the comedones with a cotton swab up to three times a day. If the skin dries out too much, mixing the oil with distilled water may make sense.
Remove blackhead with oatmeal and milk
Oats can improve the appearance of the skin as a natural exfoliant. The grain absorbs dirt and sebum, moisturizes the skin and helps to balance the pH of the skin. Oatmeal and milk can be used to create a facial mask that cleanses and hydrates the skin. Oatmeal and milk can be used to create a facial mask that cleanses and hydrates the skin. Together with milk or yoghurt, a mask can be produced that has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. The vitamin A contained in the milk helps to repair the skin and smoothes it. The mask is ideally left on the skin for fifteen minutes and then washed with cold water.
Remove blackheads with honey and cinnamon
Honey has many health promoting properties, it has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. No wonder he also helps against the nasty black dots. To apply the honey to the face and let it work for ten minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. An even better effect can be achieved by making a paste of honey and cinnamon. The honey narrows the pores and provides the skin with moisture, the antioxidant-rich cinnamon has an anti-inflammatory effect. Together, they quickly provide for a better skin appearance with daily use.
Remove blackheads with salt water
Even salt water removes excess oil. With daily use so the emergence of new blackheads is prevented and the skin improves noticeably. 
With home remedies against blackheads, not every one of them has the same effect. Especially when trying to improve your own skin, it is worthwhile to try different means and to prove patience.Above measures can be tried, but if you have severe blackheads trouble, you should go to the doctor or beauticians for more advice. Also you can bring yourself a blackheadremoval tool to help you get rid of this problem more efficiently.


Technical Aids to Remove Blackheads

For clean pores also help so-called pore suckers - (also called blackhead or pore cleaners). They follow the principle of a vacuum cleaner and absorb the dirt from the skin pores. This sounds worse than it is but it works very well. You just have to make sure that you do not suck on one and the same place too long, because otherwise redness of short duration at the suction point. A recommended product that we found on Actopp.com is this one: Blackheads Remover!

 Applications: to remove blackheads and acne; Repair of coarse pores, rough, dark and damaged skin; to improve the elasticity of the skin, to reduce wrinkles, to care for your skin of the face
Professional, waterproof design, easy-to-clean, detachable heads, fully charged in 1 hour, with the included charger.

The 4 strength levels are effective in effectively removing blackheads and dust particles in the pores and leaving your skin looking clean, healthy and radiant.

This essay is particularly suitable for sensitive skin, because the suction is not so strong. Nevertheless, it reliably cleans the pores and removes dirt residue, thus acting preventively against blackheads. But also unruly blackheads can be fought with this.

This attachment was developed to reduce the formation of wrinkles. By guiding it along the affected areas of the skin to the eyes, nose and mouth, it stimulates the microcirculation and thus prevents the formation of wrinkles.

This product is used for skin care by deeply cleansing pores, reducing skin blemishes and combating skin diseases such as acne. In this case, negative pressure and over 100,000 tiny crystal particles are used, which remove dirt and dead skin particles from the skin surface, making the skin softer and cleaner. The various essays fulfill different functions.

Move the device in a circular motion. However, always maintain a basic direction and do not move the device back and forth; To reduce wrinkles, use the oval attachment and attach the device to the origin of the crease (e.g., eye, mouth) and move it along the crease. Adjust the intensity to your skin.

Also you can see the comment by one of its customer:
“The device includes four different attachments with which you can also remove dead skin cells. For me, the device has helped to rejuvenate my complexion and I think I now have a much better circulation on my face. The device is charged with a charging station. So you do not need batteries, which I think is very good.”

Homemade Remedies to Remove Blackheads

To get rid of the blackhead, these "home remedies" can be found in almost every household.

Lemon juice can also be very helpful in removing blackheads. Lemons are found in every home. You can make a peel from the juice of a lemon and sugar and then rub on the places where your annoying blackheads sit. At the same time, the overall appearance of the skin can improve.

Another option would be to mix the lemon juice with organic yogurt. This mixture can be delicious, half you can use for your face and the other half you can eat with pleasure.

Now we come to the eggs in the household, these are also good for the treatment of blackheads. Mix two egg whites together in a cup with a spoonful of honey, then let it soak in again for 30 minutes and wash it off. Your skin is supplied with important nutrients and so, incidentally, you get a beautiful rosy facial skin.

Optional: tea tree oil
Although tea tree oil is rarely found at home, almost all drugstores have followed suit and tea tree oil has been included in their range. Many swear by the "universal remedy" of the Australian aborigines, but does it really work? We have brought light into the dark and here detailed information provided.

Homemade skin care mask
Facial masks have a relaxing effect and provide a fresh as well as younger face. Those who want to remove blackheads quickly, find a good option with a face mask. A variant is for example with the mixing of lemon juice and cinnamon powder. Another option is given with honey and quark. In advance, the face is cleaned with warm water and dried with a cloth. Then the two ingredients are mixed together and applied as a mass on the face. After a short exposure time of 10 to 20 minutes, the face mask should be washed off.

A more effective way is a face mask that is made with healing earth and water. Healing earth degreases, removes the dirt from the pores and frees the skin of bacteria and sebum. A similar effect is achieved by baking soda and pure water. This packing powder is commercially available under the name "Kaisernatron". The mixture is applied to the affected areas and washed off again after a short time. These and other homemade masks can be found online.