

Blackheads (comedones) develop when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum and mutilate the hair follicles at the same time. The excess sebum can not reach the skin surface through the increasing keratinization through the sebaceous gland ducts. This causes the sebaceous gland to slowly increase. Gradually, a real horn plug, which is composed of horny cells, hair remains and sebum - a blackhead has arisen. Most are in the graft also bacteria, often of the species Propionibacterium acne.

Skin care routine 
The congested sebaceous gland is getting bigger. Sometimes, the wall of the sebaceous gland breaks open and the contents pour into the surrounding tissue, which can result in inflammation with pus formation. It can also happen that bacteria release inflammatory substances, which can also lead to an inflammatory reaction. This can cause painful nodules or pustules. 

Blackheads are often associated with acne and may also indicate an onset of acne. In particular, in the so-called acne comedonica, a mild form of acne, which usually occurs at the beginning of puberty (acne vulgaris), the sufferers mainly suffer from many comedones. There is a reason why adolescents are affected by blackheads and acne: puberty is a phase of life that is associated with severe hormonal changes. For example, the body increasingly produces male sex hormones (androgen). Among other things, they stimulate the production of sebum so that the hair follicles can easily clog and form blackheads. But even with bad or oily skin, blackheads are common. It does not (necessarily) have to be acne. 

Anyone who has discovered a blackhead often has the impulse to remove it as quickly as possible. But beware: Under no circumstances should you press around on a blackhead without preparation - certainly not on an inflamed. If you try to remove a blackhead just like that, the skin usually looks even worse: with a bit of bad luck, the sebum in the blackhead does not reach the outside when pressed, but is squeezed into the skin's surroundings. The organism fights the graft, if it is outside a gland, like a foreign body - unpleasant inflammations can result, which can cause scars or a browning of the skin. You should never remove blackheads improperly! Otherwise, infections can be the result, which can lead to inflammation and scarring. Leave the removal to a professional! Or you can get yourself a blackhead removal tool and remember never use your hands to squeeze any of them!

