Lemon juice is used in a number of skin problems and also helps with blackheads. Mix a few drops of lemon juice with sugar and massage into the affected areas. The lemon juice cleanses the skin and supplies it at the same time with moisture and nutrients, the sugar provides an exfoliating effect. This is how blackheads can be effectively removed and the appearance of the skin improves noticeably.
Remove blackheads with tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has an antibacterial, cleansing and soothing effect on the skin. Pimples and blackheads dry out reliably. However, since some people are allergic to tea tree oil, it should be applied to the sample only at certain points on the skin. If the oil is tolerated, it can be applied to the comedones with a cotton swab up to three times a day. If the skin dries out too much, mixing the oil with distilled water may make sense.
Remove blackhead with oatmeal and milk
can improve the appearance of the skin as a natural exfoliant. The grain
absorbs dirt and sebum, moisturizes the skin and helps to balance the pH of the
skin. Oatmeal and milk can be used to create a facial mask that cleanses and
hydrates the skin. Oatmeal and milk can be used to create a facial mask that
cleanses and hydrates the skin. Together with milk or yoghurt, a mask can be
produced that has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin. The vitamin
A contained in the milk helps to repair the skin and smoothes it. The mask is
ideally left on the skin for fifteen minutes and then washed with cold water.
Remove blackheads with honey and cinnamon
has many health promoting properties, it has antibacterial, antiviral and
antifungal properties. No wonder he also helps against the nasty black dots. To
apply the honey to the face and let it work for ten minutes, then rinse with
lukewarm water. An even better effect can be achieved by making a paste of
honey and cinnamon. The honey narrows the pores and provides the skin with moisture,
the antioxidant-rich cinnamon has an anti-inflammatory effect. Together, they
quickly provide for a better skin appearance with daily use.
Remove blackheads with salt water
salt water removes excess oil. With daily use so the emergence of new blackheads
is prevented and the skin improves noticeably. With home remedies against blackheads, not every one of them has the same effect. Especially when trying to improve your own skin, it is worthwhile to try different means and to prove patience.Above measures can be tried, but if you have severe blackheads trouble, you should go to the doctor or beauticians for more advice. Also you can bring yourself a blackheadremoval tool to help you get rid of this problem more efficiently.